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  • Pete McGrath

Ode to the Seasoned HVAC Service Technician

The seasoned HVAC service technician has saved the day more times than you can count. We won’t use the word “old” as the preferred term is “heavily experienced in the trade”.

The relationships and human bonds that exist between people who run production facilities and their HVAC go-to person are almost like family. When your process plant goes down in the middle of a snowstorm and your seasoned service tech’s van rolls up to security and into your parking lot and he bails you out in the middle of the night, you remember that. You appreciate that.

The seasoned HVAC service tech remembers when pneumatics were the current state-of-the-art technology and “ancient” arts like steam, how to soft-solder upside down without any drips, and most importantly, what not to say. The “dinosaurs”, as they’re sometimes called, hold many tricks that are not taught in any trade school, webinar, or app. These are things they’ve picked up along the way from four-and-a-half decades of service calls, some in the middle of the night. Sure, young technicians in their twenties are more "hip" to the incoming barrage of new HVAC technology, but the dinosaurs know their longtime clients’ systems better than anyone.

The seasoned service tech worked together with their customers during 9/11. They were there during very hard economic times, but seasoned service tech helped the plant pull through by doing small repairs rather than spending big money on equipment replacements.

With forty-five years in the trade, you can bet the seasoned HVAC service technician has had his share of minor injuries. Various cuts, abrasions, pulled muscles, maybe a little frostbite, burns and scars from soldering or brazing, definitely a few knuckle-busters.

The seasoned service tech knows his way around a first aid kit and can dress a wound properly, though I must say that some Scotch 33+ electrical tape and a paper towel work very well in a pinch. The seasoned service technician has also seen a few not-so-lucky techs over the years who needed a lot more than some Scotch 33+ to tend to their injuries.

The seasoned northern New Jersey service technician has worked outside in frigid, sub-zero weather and in stifling 100-degree heat waves. Sometimes, when you’re working outside on a rooftop on one of those gorgeous “top ten” days people talk about on the radio, you feel like you had the day off and pity the poor souls locked in their little cubicles.

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