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MSC's Time-Tested Team Strategy: Communication is Key

Pete McGrath

From a few chairs gathered around a small table back in 1978 to more than 50 chairs lined up in rows in our Training Center in 2024, the core of MSC's monthly shop meeting hasn't changed.

We still discuss new and old technologies, problems we're seeing on jobs, changes at customers' facilities, and new company policies - you name it. "Work safe" is our mantra and always part of the conversation.


For nearly fifty years, this gathering has been our go-to for learning and touching base with everyone in the company - both field technicians and office staff alike.

When our technicians tackle a tough-to-diagnose problem, you can bet it'll be a topic at the next meeting. This way, everyone benefits from the knowledge gained, not just the person who solved the issue.

Of course, these monthly meetings come with a cost in wages and salaries. But we view it as an investment in our people - folks who are committed to serving our customers with their expert skills.

MSC Shop Meeting

The true power of these meetings lies in their ability to bring everyone together as a cohesive unit, allowing for open, no-nonsense discussions that involve the entire team. It’s a unique opportunity to address crucial matters in a way that resonates with everyone.

And the benefits extend beyond the official agenda. The camaraderie, cross-team conversations, and connections that happen during and after the meeting are equally valuable, reinforcing a sense of unity across all levels of the company.

This monthly gathering isn’t just a meeting – it’s an integral part of our company culture."



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