Gear Up for Heating Season with Key Fall Maintenance Tasks
As crisp autumn air begins to replace summer's warmth, it's time to shift focus to preparing your facility for the upcoming heating season. Here's a practical guide to help ensure your HVAC systems perform properly throughout the winter months.
Optimize Your Economizer
Start by fine-tuning your economizer settings and functionality. These systems can significantly reduce energy costs by leveraging cooler outside air for free cooling. Ensure they're calibrated correctly to maximize efficiency during the transitional fall weather.
Comprehensive Fall Maintenance
Your fall preventive maintenance should be thorough, going beyond the basics of changing filters and belts. MSC recommends:
Heat Exchanger Inspection: Check for cracks or corrosion to ensure optimal heat transfer and prevent potential safety hazards such as carbon monoxide and flue gases entering the air stream.
Heat Pump System Check: Verify both heating and cooling modes are functioning correctly for those unpredictable fall temperature swings.
Hydronic System Operational Inspection: Ensure even heat distribution throughout your building for consistent efficiency and comfort. Confirm proper pump and valve operation to ensure system readiness for when cold weather arrives.
Heating Control Tests: Confirm all thermostats, sensors, and control systems are accurately reading and responding to temperature changes.
Consider Retro-Commissioning
Fall and winter are the ideal time to conduct retro-commissioning to resolve original construction flaws or issues that emerged over time. This process can reduce energy costs, minimize unexpected downtime and repairs, and extent the lifespan of your equipment.